Steps to compile the STMicro UM0424 USB Stack with the newer IAR compiler versions. Example for IAR 6.3 and STM3210B-EVAL and Custom_HID project.
For background on this problem see the technical notes from IAR and ST:
IAR Technical Note 75890: CMSIS build problems with IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 6.20
ST Technical Note TN0830: How to use EWARM 6.2x with projects built with EWARM 6.1 and previous versions
The technical notes explain the problem and the general solution, but here is a specific example that might help, especially if you are using the USB stack.
1. Unzip and open the workspace in the following path:
2. Select the target board (STM3210B-EVAL) in the workspace dropdown.
3. Bring up the project options with ALT-F7 or from the menu under Project - Options.
4. Under General Options, select the tab Library Configuration, under CMSIS, check USE CMSIS.
5. Select Catagory C/C++ Compiler, under tab Preprocessor, go to Additional include directories. Remove the two CMSIS dirs.
The following directories are left:
Click OK to save the changes to project options.
6. Copy three files from the unused CMSIS directory to your project directories.
A. Copy the following two files
from this directory:
to this one:
B. Copy the following file
from this directory:
to this one:
7. Add system_stm32f10x.c in src to the User folder in the workspace.
8. Remove the CMSIS directory from your project.
9. Rebuid All