Thursday, October 2, 2014

ARM and Partners to Support mbed Free OS for Cortex-M Designs

ARM has just announced the ARM mbed IoT DEvice Platform to 'simplify and speed up the creation and deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) products,' (see Oct. 1 press release).  The platform includes the mbed OS, mbed Device Server and the website.  The open-source OS is currently available but under development to create a modern full-stack OS for ARM Cortex-M based MCUs.  The existing v2.0 is the starting point for the full platform release, v3.0, scheduled for ARM TechCon 2015.  For more details see the ARM mbed Blog post Announcing our plans for mbed v3.0 on the ARM mbed Developer Site. Many development boards are available to support mbed software development, most using processors fro NXP, STMicroelectronics and Freescale.  See the platforms page at the developer site for a complete list.  The images below show the $12.95 FRDM-KL25Z board, one of five Freescale Development Platforms with ARM mbed Enablement.

A partial list of ARM partners supporting mbed include Atmelelement14FreescaleMarvellNXPNordic semiconductorRenesasSTMicroelectronics,  SemtechSilicon Labsu-blox and

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